Monday, July 13, 2009


The winds of time have taken the innocence
Blown it into an unreachable abiss
I stare helplessly at my unavoidable fate
Clouds of destruction and shame dance sadistically
Defeat is imminent
Hope is Lost
I look around helplessly
Desperately searching for a glimmer
A chance to survive
Yet I know I am here due to my own folly
My mistakes parade in front of me
Tears appear suddenly
But it’s too late
Regret mounts
And the winds blow again
Promising more pain on their next visit…
It is over

Monday, June 22, 2009

Time To Return

Fear of Death is worse than life itself
Why to live when you are afraid of its end
Negative thoughts bind your mind
Inner peace you will never find
In times like this is when you should seek
Even if it makes you feel weak
For years you've runaway from love
Time to return has surely come
Even during the darkest of days
There is someone looking after you throughout the night
Someone you've pushed away from your life
But is never gonna leave your side
As you already know whom I'm talking about
The time has surely come to RETURN TO GOD...

Winged Dreams

Life has a purpose
I wish i knew mine
Life is a lesson
I wish I had learnt mine
Life is fast
I wish i could curb its pace
Life is monotonous
Wish I could make it livelier
Under the roof of expectations
Lies a solemn will to succeed
Many are the temptations to quit
And give up that which I have Dreamed
Strong winds from unknown lands
Unsettle me,force me change path
But I shall stand here to fight
Because I have only one life to succeed
And I know that i'm not alone
My dream shall be given wings
Wings to face the strongest of winds
My dreams are mine to achieve
They're not meant for someone else to complete...